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[Dev.D] Language: Hindi Genre: Romantic Drama

Dev.D is a Written and directed by Anurag Kashyap, the film is a modern day take on Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay's classic Bengali novel Devdas. Dev.D was embraced by the media, critics and public alike, and is considered to be amongst path breaking films in Hindi for the way it presented itself.


Dev is the son of a rich Punjabi Businessman. He and Paroare childhood sweethearts. But Dev, being an insecure arrogant guy, instead of acknowledging her affection and care, nudges Paro over frivolous things. Dev is sent to London for higher studies when his father senses how spoilt his son is. But while separated by distance, Paro and Dev's youthful love only blossoms more. Dev arrives in Chandigarh to meet Paro. When Dev hears rumours about Paro, he immediately believes them and ditches Paro. She turns her back on him when she hears him insult her, and agrees to marry whoever her parents choose. On her wedding day, he realizes that the rumors were false. But his ego doesn't let him accept his mistake, and he lets her marry someone else. Dev, tormented by Paro’s wedding, seeks alcohol and drugs. His escape to Delhi from Chandigarh, is as much a pursuit of his lost love. Ironically, his life always orbits around women. He is forced to cause self-destruction by one and rescued by another. In the end he realises that he was wrong and that maybe he never really loved Paro. He goes back to Chanda and lives with her thereafter.


Anurag Kashyap did not want to do another remake of any the 9 previous films versions titled Devdas.
Kashyap decided he wanted to make his own version of Devdas to reflect the original novel but through 2008 mores, with the lead character of Devdas as a debauching, hypocritical sensualist, who is self destructive without knowing he is destroying himself.


  • Brilliant breakthrough for Bollywood.
  • Praising the performance of Abhay Deol and the movie overall.
  • Slick style and adventurous interpretation that pushes the boundaries of Hindi cinema.
  • At least the first half of movie will leave you spellbound.


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